If God is a God of love and commitment, then what’s wrong with a committed homosexual relationship?
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
God created the first human being and from him made a wife for him to be with him. God made her from his substance, from the part of his body that protected his heart and life’s breath and brought her to him. What was taken out of him was now reunited back with him and the two would become one, man and woman as husband and wife, joined together in a covenant bond of love and commitment from which humanity would come forth. As the expressed manifestation of Himself, God’s design would reflect who He was in His relationship with His creation.
So God was with the first man and woman, engaging with them, guiding them, caring for them, loving them and their value and acceptance was found in Him. They chose however to go their own way and as a result, humanity would have a nature that was separate from Him, separate from the source of all goodness and life. The love, care and identity found in Him would now be sought elsewhere as many would create their own ways of engagement to fill the void left by His absence. Having become divorced from His purpose, sexual activity served as agency for gain, irrespective of gender or species and as people were using their bodies in ways they weren’t designed for, they dishonored them. Heterosexuality and committed loving relationships would still reflect God’s design, but everything purposed by humanity’s nature would be of itself and for itself, independent of Him.
God however would provide the means by which relationship with Him would be established once more, but in a way that had not been known before. Out of His love for humanity He would give of Himself as a man so all could come to Him and be with Him forever, where those who receive Him enter into a covenant bond of His love and commitment, united with Him as one, their identity secured by Him despite their contrary nature where His value and acceptance fill the void left by His absence bringing forth His goodness and life in them, now and for all eternity.