There are many ideas and beliefs about the Christian God, who He is, what He does and how He interacts with people so with Biblical exegesis and personal reflections, I engage with some of those ideas and beliefs and invite you to join me on a journey of discovery where God is much, much more than we could possibly imagine!

Bible verses are quoted from the New King James version.


About me

My journey with God began in 2003 when I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I’ve come to know Him as someone who is quite different from the God I heard about growing up.

My family went to a Christian church when I was a child and I formed an impression of God as harsh and judgmental who would punish me if I did anything wrong so when given the chance, I didn’t go to church anymore.

Later on I went in search of the meaning of life which incorporated psychology, philosophy, religion and new age. Eventually however, to my surprise I found myself in a church where I had an encounter with God that would change my life forever.


Core belief

I believe in the one true God, the Creator of heaven and earth and Jesus Christ, God’s manifestation of Himself as a human being by His Spirit.

I believe the Bible is God’s Word, inspired by His Spirit revealing His message of salvation in Jesus Christ to the world.